IMPORTANT NOTICE CIPO's TrademarkRegistration Fee Adjustments for 2024 Planning to register a trademark in Canada? A timely decision is imperative. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has officially announced a 25% increase in most of its trademark fees, effective January 1, 2024. This fee adjustment will extend to various services, including trademark applications, registrations, renewals,
Patrola Law ─ Your Legal Guide to Understanding Canadian Trademark Welcome to Patrola Law, your legal guide to understanding Canadian trademark registration. As a leading authority in intellectual property law, Patrola Law is here to shed light on the most pressing questions surrounding trademark registration in Canada. In this comprehensive article, we will address the top
In Part 1 of the Metaverse Series, we discussed the feasibility of registering a trademark for use in the Metaverse.In Part 2, we will discuss potential triggers of trademark infringement in the Metaverse.What Constitutes Trademark Infringement?Pursuant to Section 19 of the Trademarks Act, a trademark registrant has the exclusive right to use the trademark throughout
What is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is an extensive set of interconnected computer networks producing real-time rendered 3D virtual spaces or worlds which allow users to feel a sense of ‘reality’. Many people view the Metaverse as the next stage of the Internet from “Web 2.0” (participatory stage/user-generated content and the current stage of the
Many entrepreneurs face the exciting and important task of creating a name for their new business. It is important to get a business’s name right because it may be integral to the brand's identity and the overall recognition of the brand. Many entrepreneurs wish to use their name or surname as a trademark. In fact,